Were You Burned When Your E-Cigarette Exploded?
Were You Burned When Your E-Cigarette Exploded? It happens, just ask Josh Hamilton, of Kentucky. His E-Cigarette Exploded and his pants caught fire while he was reaching into pocket to pay for items at a local Texaco. He suffered 2nd degree burns on his legs. Surprisingly, there is not a government agency that regulates vaporizers (or E-Cigarette) although the FDA is considering doing so. Mr. Hamilton is not the only person to suffer burn injuries as a result of a vaporizer, last October a Florida man’s vaporizer exploded while he was “smoking”, and was left with burns to his face, chest and hands. For more information on how an E-Cigarette is constructed and work, click here. According to a FEMA report, most incidents occur when the battery is charging. Because of the design of the e-cigarettes, they are more likely than other lithium-ion batteries to flame up when the battery fails. So if you or someone you know is injured when an E-Cigarette Exploded you (or they) may have claims against the product designer, whether it be for a defective design or failure to properly warn and instruct on how to recharge the device.