Safe Driving Habits for a Secure Holiday Weekend

car accident lawyer in Scottsdale

For many, holiday weekends spark the excitement of road trips and festive celebrations. However, increased traffic combined with celebratory spirits can pose significant safety risks. Observing safe driving habits is crucial to ensure that your holiday weekend is memorable for the right reasons – joy, not tragedy. Here are essential safe driving tips to keep…

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In California Uber Drivers Are Employees

In a recent decision the California Labor Commission determined that an Uber driver is not an independent contractor but that Uber drivers are employees.  Uber sells themselves to potential drivers as an opportunity to make money when they want and how often they want.  Recently a former Uber driver filed a claim for back wages…

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Cell Phone Related Accidents

According to Arizona Department of Public Safety, as of September 2014, there have been about 2,400 collision which officers attributed to distracted driving.  Not all of these accidents necessarily mean the use of cell phone and other mobile devices.  However cell phone related accidents comprised 167 of the 2400 accidents.  (I would speculate that the…

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Injured By An Elevator?

An odd question you may not hear often is were you injured by an elevator?  Believe it or not it does happen, and in some cases proving the that the owner of the building is at fault may not be as difficult as one may believe.  There is a concept in law known as Res…

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