Helmets Useless in Bicycle Accidents?
Helmets and bike accidents?Helmet Useless in Bicycle Accidents? That is what a London neurosurgeon . Dr. Marsh states that current helmets are not designed to offer adequate protection, and that helmets did not have any effect on many car/bicycle accident patients he has treated. Another study by of conducted a study which indicates (in Great Britain at least) that motorist drive closer to a cyclist who has a helmet on when compared to passing those cyclist without helmets on.

Were You Injured While Riding Your Bike?
Helmet Useless in Bicycle Accidents? That is what Dr. Henry Marsh a London neurosurgeon claims. Dr. Marsh states that current helmets are not designed to offer adequate protection, and that helmets did not have any effect on many car/bicycle accident patients he has treated. Another study by Dr. Ian Walker of University of Bath conducted a study which indicates (in Great Britain at least) that motorist drive closer to a cyclist who has a helmet on when compared to passing those cyclist without helmets on.
Helmet Useless in Bicycle Accidents? That is what Dr. Henry Marsh a London neurosurgeon claims. Dr. Marsh states that current helmets are not designed to offer adequate protection, and that helmets did not have any effect on many car/bicycle accident patients he has treated. Another study by Dr. Ian Walker of University of Bath conducted a study which indicates (in Great Britain at least) that motorist drive closer to a cyclist who has a helmet on when compared to passing those cyclist without helmets on.
A study from the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety released statistics comparing helmet and non helmet wearers whom unfortunately died in bicycle accidents, and found for most years at least 85% of deaths were cyclist who did not wear helmets.
Obviously the idea of not wearing a helmet when riding a road cycle or a mountain bike seems to be contrary to common sense. Ultimately when riding, the rider should take every reasonable precaution to protect themselves from injury, whether due to someone else’s fault or their own error.
So whether riding on the street or on the single track wear a helmet, it could save your life.