What Are Arizona's Minimum Auto Insurance Limits?

What Are Arizona’s Minimum Auto Insurance Limits?
What Are Arizona’s Minimum Auto Insurance Limits? Currently it is $15,000 of liability for injuries to any one person in another vehicle they hit, and a total of $30,000 for all injuries and deaths out of the same incident. And their coverage for damages to the cars and other property of others can be as little as $10,000. Which in reality is nothing. A visit to the hospital via an ambulance may cost close to $9,000.00. Then any continuing treatment could easily consume the $15,000.00. However, change is in the air. Senate Bill 1111 raises the minimum limits to $25,000.00 per person and $50,000.00 per incident for injury claims. Also the bill would raise the property damage limits to $25,000.00. The bill is now pending in the House, and if passed may have to go back to the senate if revised in any fashion. Currently Arizona’s limits rank near the bottom of the nation, as compared to Alaska which has the nation’s highest limits.